Salem, Oregon
Salem, Oregon personal pages of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people.
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender
Personal Web Pages

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Personal web pages of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) people (or supportive friends) in the Salem, Oregon area. We do not charge for listings and we do not sell anything on this site. To be listed, you should be a gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender person, or be totally GLBT friendly. Please submit your GLBT personal pages. It's all about promoting our community - please consider linking back to


Capitol Forum Shows at the 300 Club


Salem Area Community Connections

Personal Web Pages

Don Mathews - Don designs and maintains a number of local web sites including Lifeline AIDS Project, Southside Speakeasy, Capitol Forum and Capitol Pride. He is a dedicated and talented man who gives back to the local community.

Krissy Grrl - Krissy is a Korean American resident of Salem. Her web site deals with transgender, crossdressing and transvestism issues. She also has a Yahoo group.

Karen Tuck - Karen is a transgender and GLBT activist. Her web site deals with transgender issues. She also has started a transgender support group in Salem.

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